Database Diagram

ShipFast Database Diagram

This diagram represents the structure of a NoSQL database (Firestore), showing relationships between four collections: users, organizations, user_organizations, and subscriptions. Below is the diagram of the schema:

Database Diagram

Here's how it works:

1. users Collection

  • Stores user information such as:
    • id: Unique identifier for each user.
    • email: User's email address.
    • name: User's name.
    • createdAt: Timestamp when the user was created.
    • updatedAt: Timestamp when the user's details were last updated.
    • status: Represents the user's current state (e.g., active, inactive).

2. organizations Collection

  • Represents organizations, identified by an id.
  • Contains fields such as:
    • name: Name of the organization.
    • description: A brief description of the organization.
    • ownerId: Links to a user who owns the organization (from users collection).
    • status: Represents the organization's state (e.g., active, inactive).
    • createdAt and updatedAt: Timestamps for creation and updates.

3. user_organizations Collection

  • Acts as a linking collection to represent a many-to-many relationship between users and organizations.
  • Fields:
    • id: Unique identifier for the relationship.
    • organizationId: Links to an organization (from organizations collection).
    • userId: Links to a user (from users collection).
    • role: Defines the user's role within the organization (e.g., admin, member).
    • jointedAt: Timestamp for when the user joined the organization.

4. subscriptions Subcollection

  • This is a subcollection of organizations, meaning each organization can have its own set of subscriptions.
  • Fields:
    • subscriptionId: Unique identifier for the subscription.
    • organizationId: Links the subscription to its parent organization.
    • customerId: Identifier for the customer associated with the subscription.
    • priceId: Represents the pricing plan or tier for the subscription.
    • scheduleId: Specifies the billing schedule for the subscription.
    • defaultPaymentMethod: Store billing and pricing details.
    • latestInvoiceId: Identifier for the most recent invoice related to the subscription.
    • email: Contact email for the subscription.
    • eventType: Type of event (e.g., downgraded, upgraded, cancelled, subscribed).
    • interval: Billing interval (e.g., monthly, yearly).
    • metadata: Stores custom metadata for the subscription.
    • credits: Total credits available for the subscription, which determine the amount of resources or services the subscription provides.
    • creditsUsed: The number of credits consumed so far by the subscription.
    • freeCredits: Additional credits granted for free.
    • status: Current status of the subscription.
    • billingStartDate and billingEndDate: Track the billing period.
    • createdAt: Timestamp for when the subscription was created.


  1. users ↔ organizations:

    • A many-to-many relationship, represented using the user_organizations collection.
    • A user can belong to multiple organizations, and an organization can have multiple users.
  2. organizations ↔ subscriptions:

    • A one-to-many relationship where subscriptions is a subcollection of organizations.
    • Each organization can manage its own subscriptions independently.