Quick Start

Quick Start Guide


Before you can get started with ShipFast, ensure you have the following prerequisites installed:

  1. Node.js (v18.17 or higher)

    Node.js is required to run the project. It comes with npm (Node Package Manager) by default, which will be used to install dependencies. To install Node.js, visit the Node.js download page (opens in a new tab) and choose the appropriate version for your operating system. Make sure you're using Node.js version 18.17 or higher.

  2. Package Manager

    • npm (default): npm is the default package manager for Node.js, and it comes bundled with Node.js once installed. npm will be automatically available after installing Node.js. However, if you need to install npm separately, you can download it directly from the official website:
      Download npm (opens in a new tab).

    • yarn (Optional): If you prefer using Yarn, you can install it by running the following command:

      npm i -g yarn

      Yarn is an alternative package manager that may offer faster dependency installation and other features.

  3. Download the Project

    Download the project from the following link:
    Download ShipFast (opens in a new tab)


Follow the steps below to set up the project and start using it.

  1. Install Dependencies
    In the project directory, run the following command to install the required dependencies:

    • Using npm (default):

      npm install
    • Using yarn (Optional):

      yarn install
  2. Configure Firebase, Stripe, and Mailgun (Optional)

    Before starting the development server, make sure to configure the following services. Detailed instructions can be found in the Installation Guide:

    • Firebase: Set up Firebase for authentication and other services.
    • Stripe: Configure Stripe for payment processing.
    • Mailgun (Optional): If you plan to use Mailgun for email functionality, configure it accordingly.
  3. Start the Development Server

    Once dependencies are installed and configurations are set, you can start the development server:

    • Using npm (default):

      npm run dev
    • Using yarn (Optional):

      yarn dev

    Your application should now be running locally. You can open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000 to view it.

That's it! You can now start developing with ShipFast.